We offer a curriculum that is designed to encourage all students to challenge themselves throughout their five years with us, so that they discover their true potential. Students will be taught a broad range of subjects; guided to make ambitious and logical choices; gain many experiences through trips, visits and collaborative learning; and have time to develop their understanding of their place in society, both locally and globally. Our intent is to develop the skills and teach the knowledge that will allow our students, regardless of their prior learning and background, to become well rounded and resilient young people who are well equipped for the world beyond College.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please contact  office@catmosecollege.com


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is about the emotional, social and cultural development of students, and involves learning about relationships, sexual health, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity.

RSE involves a combination of sharing information and exploring issues and values.

RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity.

We have developed the curriculum in consultation with parents, students and staff, taking into account the age, needs and feelings of students. If students ask questions outside the scope of this policy, teachers will respond in an appropriate manner so they are fully informed and don’t need to seek answers online.

We believe that developing students to become equipped members of society, both on a local and global level, requires explicit teaching of a thorough Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. The PSHE curriculum is a planned, developmental programme of learning through which young people acquire knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE education develops the qualities and attributes students need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

For further details you can view the PHSE and Relationships and Sex Education policy here


All students will be taught a broad range of subjects in KS3 before they chose their options in Year 9. The Team Leader for each subject will consider the national curriculum, to devise a curriculum that has been carefully planned to take into account the prior learning of students. The Vice Principal responsible for the academic curriculum will annually review the range of subjects offered, to ensure they remain appropriate. In addition all students access wider learning through our Electives Programme that runs on a Wednesday afternoon. Please click on the following links to find out more about Electives, trips and extracurricular activities.

To find out more about our KS3 curriculum you can download the booklet here.


In Year 9 students will meet individually with a senior leader for guidance in selecting their options. Students will also discuss their options with their parents and then a final choice will be agreed according to the subjects the College offers, career aspirations and prior academic performance. To support students we suggest for each a pathway based on their prior attainment and staff professional judgement. The EBAC combination is possible in all three pathways.

We are clear that while promoting a broad range of academic subjects we also consider students best interests and long term life chances. We are therefore flexible in our discussions to ensure option choices are in the students’ best long term interests. Students with the agreement of a senior leader may therefore move across pathways wholly or partly.

We are usually able to accommodate the vast majority of student choices however it is ultimately the College who will make the final decision in order to meet the needs of the majority.


Throughout this two-year Key Stage students will continue to have core PE curriculum time. They will also continue their religious studies education and be taught Relationships and Sex Education in line with statutory guidance (that comes into effect in September 2020) through the PSHE curriculum taught in tutorial lessons, compulsory Electives, trips and assemblies. In addition to PE and PSHE, students will follow a suite of qualifications selected during the options process in Year 9. For further details of the 3 Pathways please see above.

The full curriculum for each individual subject can be found in the table below.

For more details of our Curriculum please click here to view our policy.

SubjectCurriculum Download
Art & Design BTECDownload
Art & Design GCSEDownload
Computer ScienceDownload
Design & Technology GCSEDownload
Drama GCSEDownload
Engineering VocationalDownload
English GCSEDownload
English Entry LevelDownload
Food GCSEDownload
French GCSEDownload
Geography GCSEDownload
German GCSEDownload
Graphics GCSEDownload
History GCSEDownload
Hospitality & Catering Level 1 & 2Download
Humanities Entry LevelDownload
Maths GCSEDownload
Maths Entry LevelDownload
Maths Functional SkillsDownload
Music GCSEDownload
Music BTECDownload
Photography GCSEDownload
Religious Studies CoreDownload
Religious Studies GCSEDownload
Science GCSEDownload
Spanish GCSEDownload
Sport – CoreDownload
Sport GCSEDownload
Sport Studies OCR CambridgeDownload