Our Electives programme forms a central part of the extracurricular and enrichment life of the College. All students at the College elect to take short courses that take place on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 2:40pm. They are led by our own teachers, support staff and by visiting tutors who are experts in their field. Students may stay at the College after 2:40pm to access the library or take part in our extracurricular activities.
The Electives programme works seemlessly with our diverse range of extracurricular activities. An extensive programme of lunch and after College activities are also offered throughout the year.
The programme has been designed to broaden student experience and develop skills that universities and employers find attractive in potential candidates. There is a strong link between students who take part in a range of extracurricular activities and successful outcomes in examination results.
Students in Year 7 are given an Electives booklet during their first term at the College which details the vast range of Electives we offer.
This information gives an overview of what the student will learn, any special equipment required and any cost associated with it. Students will usually take a different Elective each term, and benefit from the mix of age ranges on each course.
The Electives programme is subsidised by the College budget, however, contributions are needed to cover materials, transport, hire of facilities and employing specialist tutors. Students can take home items made during a course.
Electives run at different times during the year and there are compulsory courses that students are required to follow. In Year 7, the compulsory course takes place in Term 1 and contains a range of sessions designed to smooth the transition from primary to secondary school.
Elective booklet 2024/25.
We are very pleased to be able to offer an extensive and exciting range of Elective courses to students with more than 40 new Electives being offered. Students in Years 7-10 will soon be asked to select their preferences for terms 1-3 of the 2024-25 academic year. Please discuss with your child, particularly any Electives with financial contributions.
Click here to download a pdf version of the booklet