The Team Manager for Examinations is Ms Sharon Carr. All queries regarding the administration of examinations should be addressed to her. Her email address is If you have a query regarding the content of exams or about Controlled Assessments please refer these to the relevant subject Team Leader.
The College always tries to ensure that both students and parents/guardians are kept informed about exams. At Key Stage 4 throughout the year you will receive, by post, a list of examinations the student has been entered for and timetables showing when the exams are taking place. It is important you check these carefully and sign and return them. JCQ guidelines are followed and students must comply with them.
Students will all be issued with candidate numbers and they will be expected to enter them on each exam paper. Seating plans are displayed in the College well in advance of the exam date. Where a student is eligible for extra time or other such access arrangements these are provided for. If a student misses an exam a medical note must be provided if an appeal is to be made.