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3 days ago

Catmose College
2024 ARKWRIGHT SUCCESSCongratulations to Year 11 students Alex and George who have been awarded Arkwright Scholarships following a rigorous application process. Arkwright Scholarships are the most esteemed of their kind and are designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as future leaders in engineering. Their applications have been supported by the College’s Academic Scholarship programme. Academic Scholarships are awarded annually to students in Years 9 and 10 and are designed to recognise exceptional academic talent. To find out more about the Academic Scholarship programme visit us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 9 October, 5.30-7.30.#CatmoseCollege #ArkwrightScholarship #Success #Engineering ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

Catmose College
“Our French exchange students arrived late but were warmly welcomed by their English hosts. After settling in and enjoying a traditional English meal, they attended classes the next day, followed by a treasure hunt in Oakham and a traditional cream tea.On Friday, both English and French students explored London, visiting landmarks and shopping, with the M&M store being a favourite. The weekend was packed with activities, including Aqua Park fun, parties, sushi, church services, and a visit to Burghley House.Monday was the highlight with a trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, where students enjoyed a workshop, a studio tour, and green screen photos. Tuesday was a bittersweet farewell with hugs and tears as we said goodbye to our new friends. The exchange was a fantastic experience, and we cherished every moment while improving our French skills.”Year 10 students, Maisie, Eva and Millie#CatmoseCollege #FrenchExchangeHome #Year 9 #Year10 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Catmose College
There was an enthusiastic response to the Rotary Club Young artist competition with a lovely variety of creative entries. College students were successful in both the local and district rounds with a wide range of imaginative entries responding to this years’ theme rebuilding that included accomplished tonal work, paintings and digital art. Taiisia was the winner of the senior section, Sophia was awarded 2nd place and Alice was highly commended. Matilda was the winner of the intermediate section, Stephanie was awarded 2nd place and Freya was highly commended. Congratulations to our talented winners and thank you to all of the students that took part.#CatmoseCollege #RotaryArtCompetition #Winners #HighlyCommended ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Catmose College
Sports day 2024! During the morning our athletics students competed against each other in a range of track and field events. Although competition was fierce it was equally friendly. In the afternoon students took part in other sporting activities from rounders to football, dodgeball and dancing. Big thanks to Year 10 student, Charlie and the IT team for capturing a great day in photos.This year the College has competed in a huge range of sports and ensured more students than ever have had the opportunity to take part in an extracurricular activity.To find out more about the sporting opportunities available at Catmose College, please join us for our Open Evening on Wednesday 9 October, from 5.30 - 7.30pm ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Catmose College
Photos from Catmose College's post ... See MoreSee Less
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Catmose College is an oversubscribed secondary academy school on Huntsmans Drive in
Oakham, Rutland. The majority of students are drawn from the county town of Oakham and
surrounding villages, although many are attracted from a wider area including Leicestershire
and Melton through parental choice.