Summer 2024 Results

We are delighted to announce that our Year 11 cohort achieved a set of results that reflects our recent Ofsted judgement of ‘Outstanding’ and demonstrates that our consistent high-quality teaching engages our students and produces well deserved results.

These results are testament to the sense of community and respect that Catmose develops where individuals can grow and shine.

Stuart Williams, Principal said ‘When Ofsted judged us as Outstanding in March, it was not based on our outcomes but on our whole ethos and approach to the wider education of our students. We care passionately about developing the whole child and the results today are the stepping stone for students from all walks of life to their many and varied next steps. We are as proud of the passes that allow students to commence vocational courses and apprenticeships as we are of those who will go on to study A levels. In fact, some of our most notable triumphs are students whose individual circumstances could have been a barrier to their future success, but instead their resilience has shone through.’

We would like to congratulate all of our students on their results this year and the teachers and support staff who have helped them to realise their success’.

Progress 8 score 0.50
Attainment 852.21
% of students achieving a strong pass in both English and Maths56%
% of students entered for EBACC47.5%
% of students staying in Education/Apprenticeship100%

Summer 2023 Results

We are delighted to announce that our Year 11 cohort achieved a set of results that defies the setbacks of Covid and demonstrates that with excellent teaching and engaged students all obstacles can be overcome. Not only are these results similar to the centre assessed grades of 2020 they are better than our similarly examined grades of 2019.

The College has worked hard to support students through the very real anxieties that arose from the national lockdown but has not compromised its expectations around strong attendance, positive behaviour and high-quality teaching and learning. These results are testament to the sense of community and respect that Catmose develops where individuals can grow and shine.

Stuart Williams, Principal said ‘We have not achieved this through focusing only on examinations. A strong community rises from a culture that encourages students to embrace opportunities of all kinds. At Catmose our broad offer of extracurricular opportunities is regularly cited by students as one of our greatest strengths. Activities and events such as our drama performances, music ensembles and concerts, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, trips abroad and in the UK, a vast range of sports teams, after College clubs, competitions and our weekly Electives programme help to foster engagement that begins the process of personal growth. Our ethos of opportunity for all helps our students to become more confident, and resilient. It is thisresilience and determination that then allows them to accept the challenges of their academic goals and perform so well and consistently year after year. We would like to congratulate all of our students on their results this year and the teachers andsupport staff who have helped them to realise their success’.

Progress 8 score 0.44
Attainment 852.47
% of students achieving a strong pass in both English and Maths55.9%
% of students entered for EBACC55.9%
% of students staying in Education/Apprenticeship97%

Summer 2022 Results

Catmose College celebrated their best ever year of examination results. Students excelled and made their community proud having left with the results and broader experiences they need to progress onto A level, vocational courses, and apprenticeships.

Stuart Williams, Principal of the College, said ‘I couldn’t be prouder of the Catmose community. These astonishing strong results reflect the quality of teaching through two lockdowns and the first-class support students have been given to ensure a successful transition back into College so that they were as well prepared for exams as they could be. Our students, supported by their parents, gave everything they could and deserve to have achieved so highly across every subject.’

Over 80% of students secured grades 9-4 (grade C or higher) in maths and English. There are sixty, (over 30% of our students) who achieved an average grade of a 7 (grade A) or higher with an incredible thirty students gaining at least eight subjects at grades 8 and 9 (grade A*+).

Progress 8 score 0.6
Attainment 856.18
% of students achieving a strong pass in both English and Maths63.8%
% of students entered for EBACC47.4%
% of students staying in Education/Apprenticeship97%

Summer 2021 Results

This academic year presented another unprecedented year for examinations and the pandemic and lockdown period resulted in the awarding of Centre Assessed Grades.  Stuart Williams, Principal said, “ We are very proud of every Catmose student, they have all triumphed despite two years of disrupted study caused by the pandemic. They demonstrated extraordinary resilience and hardwork during the lockdowns. Catmose staff continued to go the extra mile and students benefitted from very high-quality online teaching which ensured when they returned to College they had not fallen behind in their studies and were ready to sit a robust range of tests that contributed to these excellent results. Our students should be very proud of what they achieved and leave us with the confidence that their grades were hard won, thoroughly deserved and will serve them well to guide their next steps whether that be A levels, vocational courses or an apprenticeship”.

Attainment 855.75
% of students achieving a strong pass in both English and Maths52.8%
% of students achieving a standard pass in both English and Maths77.7%
% of students entered for EBACC55%
% of students achieving EBACC44%
% of students staying in Education/Apprenticeship100%

Summer 2020 Results

In what has been the most extraordinary year with so much turbulence for everyone, Catmose has started what they hope is the first steps back to normality for their students, as is usual, achieving exceptional GCSE grades.  Stuart Williams, Principal said, “Although students did not sit examinations this year, the grades awarded by Catmose were just as rigorously determined because of our robust internal assessment and moderation procedures. Our students know that the grades they received this morning are ones that reflect their hard work and commitment over the entire course and I congratulate each and every one of them on their many achievements.”

The grades will now allow students to progress onto the next steps in their life, however the College is equally proud of their other achievements which will ultimately give them the character to be successful in life. Students at Catmose have access to a huge number of additional activities designed to build resilience and develop character. Many will have supported their local community through volunteering in Rutland and Melton, taking part in one of the many sports teams (who once again triumphed in the Varsity league), raising funds and taking part in expeditions as far afield as Sumatra and Iceland or, performing in the orchestra or acting in one of Catmose’s  spectacular productions.

Stuart Williams explained that the College was however disappointed not to be able to give out the BTEC grades this morning as a result of the examination board’s decision to review all grades. He said, that he believed this is the right thing to do as it will ensure that the grades awarded for the BTEC courses will continue to be comparable with the equivalent GCSE course. Students will be given all the support they need to ensure that the delay in the releasing of their results does not impact on their ability to secure an appropriate course or apprenticeship.

82% of students achieved grade 4 (pass) and above and 64% achieved a grade 5 (strong pass) or above.

The following students were the College’s highest achieving with an amazing set of results:

Annie 10 x Grade 9s, Annabelle 8 x Grade 9s and 1 x Grade 8.

In addition, the following students achieved all grades 7, 8 or 9’s:

Lauren, Matthew, Katherine, Holly, Benjamin, Daisy, Samuel and William.

Ben (Head Student) said “he was really pleased with his results, it has been an interesting 6 months but he was so happy with the way it has all turned out. He thanked Catmose for a great 5 years.”  Ben is going on to study A levels in Maths, English and Economics at Harington School.

Annabelle and Annie commented that they are both really happy with their results following a stressful time and they are looking forward to moving on with the next chapter of their lives. Annie is studying for the International Baccalaureate at Oakham School while Annabelle will be studying A levels in Philosophy and Ethics, Spanish, Psychology and Economics at Harington School.

Summer 2019 Results

Progress 8+0.546
% of students achieving a strong pass in both English and Maths46%
% of students entered for EBACC17%
% of students achieving EBACC14.4%
% of students staying in Education/Apprenticeship93.7%
EBacc average point score3.63

To find more information about Catmose College through the Government’s School and College performance tables please click here to be taken to their website. To review a more detailed analysis of our results please read the latest Transformation Plan.