Our reporting system has been designed to give parents regular information that is easy to understand and ensures students are effectively supported to make the best possible progress they can. A core feature of our reporting schedule is Checkpoint Reports which are provided on a regular basis (typically every 8-9 weeks). These reports use at least three checkpoint tasks to assess how well students can apply the skills and knowledge they have been taught recently. These are low-stakes assessments shared openly with students and parents. Checkpoint tasks appear in a range of formats depending on the subject and the content being taught. A task might be:
- A spelling test for which their prep may well have been to learn the words and for which they will receive a score out of 10.
- A lesson-based task for which no prep was given but following feedback an opportunity is given to improve their mark; the improved mark being used for the assessment score.
- An assessed prep using an examination-style question to assess their understanding and ability to apply their learning.
All students take the same checkpoint tasks in the same way to allow a direct comparison of their performance with the rest of the year group or tier of entry. This allows each child’s progress against their target grades to be monitored and allows the College to support students who are not making adequate progress given their ability.
At least once a year we report home on Key Assessments. These are higher stakes assessments done in test conditions and mirror the end of course exams that students will ultimately have to face in Year 11. These Key Assessments are a summary test of the key skills, knowledge and understanding covered in the year up to that stage.
The final report sent home to parents is a detailed academic Form Tutor Report which assesses each student’s overall academic performance alongside their wider involvement in the College and suggest ways in which they can improve further.
Finally, in response to parental feedback regarding previous Progress Evenings we will be offering two opportunities to meet with your child’s teachers. We encourage everyone to attend the first evening in the year but the second evening will be more targeted to those students whose progress is causing a particular concern, whose parents will be specifically invited, in order that we can look together at the support in place and ensure that better progress is made going forward.