Trips, visits and extracurricular activities are our forte and we want all students to participate in some of these enriching activities. Some trips are linked to the academic curriculum, such as the John Clare trip to Helpston that runs alongside the study of his poetry in Year 7 English; some develop cultural understanding, tolerance and enlightenment such as the Year 8 trip to a Cathedral, Mosque and Gurdwara to compliment the RS curriculum. Others offer a once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit and explore far flung parts of the world that combine volunteering projects with cultural tourism such as previous trips to Sumatra and Nepal. From Oakham to Canada, free trips, day trips and tours of exotic locations, Catmose invests heavily in seeking out as many opportunities as we can. Our staff relish the chance to witness and help our students develop in very different ways to those seen in the classroom, and in Year 11 it is these memories that our students recall as some of their most memorable learning.

Information for each trip including payment details will be included in a letter which you will receive from the College either via your child or via groupcall. The payments made for trips are non refundable unless specified so please ensure that your child is committed to a trip before the deposit and subsequent instalments are made.



The following trips are in the planning stage and are listed for advice only; they will proceed subject to approval and viability.

YEAR 11 – History residential to New York & Washington – Cost £1800 for 6 days

If you are eligible for free school meals and would like to apply for Financial Support please fill in the application form here.

To find out more information regarding our Charging and Remissions Policy please click here