Rutland and District Schools’ Federation ensures that students with SEN are supported in a wide variety of ways at all settings including:

  • The ethos of settings across the Federation is inclusive;
  • An ambitious curriculum is our priority for all students;
  • Opportunity for support / provision to go on trips and engage with all Electives and extra curricular activities;
  • A wide range of intervention strategies are applied through both pastoral and progress monitoring;
  • A robust tutor, class or room teacher system to ensure all students have access to someone they know well and whose parents can access with ease;
  • Termly monitoring of the progress made by students on the SEN register by subject teachers and relevant staff;
  • Students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) have key workers who support all aspects of their provision alongside subject teachers, SENCO and relevant staff;
  • Careful deployment of staff to maximise progress.

The following provides an overview of the additional support that may be put in place at the College:

  • Pastoral support plans;
  • Alpha Smart computers/Laptops/Chromebooks;
  • Use of assistive technologies;
  • Specific programmes, including:
    • Number Shark/Mathematics/TTR Mathswatch;
    • Literacy Shark;
    • Alpha to Omega;
    • Recognised Speech and Language development programmes;
    • Touch Typing;
    • Thinking Skills – Bottom Line programme, Thinking Skills for SEN Learners;
    • Keyworker Support;
    • Social Skills Strategies and Intervention Groups;
    • Mindfulness ART Intervention;
    • Referral to outside agency specialist support.

Our SEND newsletters can be found below:

DateNewsletter download
Summer 2024Download
Spring 2024Download
Winter 2023Download
Autumn 2023Download
Summer 2023Download
Spring 2023Download
Autumn 2022Download

Meet the Team

If you would like more information about the SEN/DSP provision within Catmose College, please contact:

Claire PughNikeisha HendricksAndrea SharpeAlisha Jesudasen-Adams
Vice Principal Senior SENCO
SENCO Assistant Principal
SENCO lead for K Code & Mainstream EHCP
Assistant SENCO for K Code & Mainstream EHCP
Alice PriceKristy NichollsJane Evans
Access Arrangements Assessor
Access Arrangments Assessor
Senior SEND Administrator

Catmose College Designated Special Provision

The College has a Designated Special Provision (DSP) for students identified with Educational Healthcare Plans. Students would normally be offered a place in this provision if they are working significantly below National Curriculum expectations, admission is determined in consultation with Rutland County Council. This provision is not suitable for students whose main need is SEMH or ASD. For students placed in the DSP at the College, the following additional support is available on a bespoke basis based on the needs of the child but may include:

  • Access to adult supervision/support during morning break, lunch and after College;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Skills for Life and personal development;
  • Small teaching groups;
  • Access to mainstream lessons to provide a broad and ambitious curriculum;
  • Support with transition to post-16 providers;
  • Support with work experience.

Students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) should apply to the College via their home local authority. Students with Special Educational Needs but without an EHCP should apply in the normal way. The application policy can be read here.

To download the Individual Setting form from the Council please click here. For more information on SEN provision from the Rutland County Council click here. For the agreement between the Local Authority and the College, please click here.

The Accessibility Plan fits within the Federation Health and Safety Policy which can be found here.

For information about the SEN provision within Catmose Primary, please contact Rebecca Hall (SENCO) on